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8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V


8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V

8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V 100M/Roll 2835 LED Strip Light Yuqori yorug'lik samaradorligi IP66 Suvga chidamsiz 2835 220V Yuqori kuchlanishli LED Strip LED yoritgichlar dimlanishi mumkin 150FT/41MLELE LEDs Arqon chiroqlari tashqi makon 6500K Sovuq oq, ETL ro'yxatiga kiritilgan IP65 suv o'tkazmaydigan kesiluvchi LED yoritgichlar o'z qo'llaringiz bilan yoritish uchun ip

  • Qadam uzunligi (mm/x LED) 100 mm/12 LED
  • LED soni / m 120
  • Voltaj (V) 230V
  • O'rnatish 3M lenta / o'rnatish kliplari / alyuminiy profillar
  • Quyosh 80
  • Chiroq korpusining materiali PCB
  • Quvvat (v/m) 15 Vt
  • FPC kengligi (mm) 10
  • Maks. Har bir davr uchun uzunlik (mm) 50
  • IP tezligi IP 66
  • NW (g/rol) 152
  • Ilova Mehmonxonalarda keng qo'llaniladi. xarid qilish markazlari, mebellar, shkaflar, javonlar, bezatish yoritgichi, to'g'ridan-to'g'ri yoritish yoki bilvosita yoritish sifatida.

Ushbu element haqida

8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V (1)hh08mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 LED Strip Light 110V 220V (7)4mc8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V (4)uuu8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 LED Strip Light 110V 220V (3)5ox8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V (5)ntd8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V (6)ece8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V (8)l0g8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V (2)nfb

Effektli displey

8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 LED Strip Light 110V 220V (2)f7s
8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V (4)3tc
8mm Smd 120 Led Strip 2835 Led Strip Light 110V 220V (3)et9

OEM xizmati

Fabrikamızning eng ajoyib qobiliyati mijozlarimiz uchun maxsus talab qilinadigan LED yorug'ligini qilishdir .Biz boshqa fabrikalar qila olmaydigan yoki qila olmaydigan ko'plab led chiroqlarni qildik. Shuningdek, biz sizning yoritish tizimingiz uchun to'liq yechimni taqdim eta olamiz.

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